While reviewing an employee's record, if you notice that there are missing pay periods in the ETP tab, you can rectify this by completing one of the following options:
- Restore a backup or use the Period Archive option to revert back to the relevant period. Then make the necessary adjustments and reprocess your payroll from that period onwards.
This option is recommended if you only have a few periods to reprocess, or have a small number of employees on your payroll.
- Perform a manual adjustment. This option is recommended if you have too many periods to reprocess.
The following steps contain everything you need to help you make manual adjustments to an employee's record if there are missing pay periods.
Before you begin, you must print the Earnings Tax & PRSI (ETP) report for each of your employees. Then check or do the following:
- On each of your employees' ETP report, look for blank period lines. If you find some, make a note of the missing periods. Then check the insurance weeks. If you recorded extra insurance weeks in the period before or after the missing period, you may have processed holidays. If so, you don't need to do any corrections. However, we would recommend that you review the employee's latest payslip and ensure their year to date totals are correct.
- Was the employee out sick or not working for the missing period? If so, you don't need to do any corrections. However, we would recommend that you review the employee's latest payslip and ensure their year to date totals are correct.
- Was the employee paid for the missing periods? If the answer is no, you don't need to restore a backup or edit the employee's record. When you next process the employee's pay details, simply enter their pay for the current period plus the missing periods. For more information, please refer to the section, Making corrections - If the employee wasn't paid for the missing periods.
- If the employee was paid for the missing periods, do you have a copy of their payslip in your records? If the answer is yes, you should use this payslip to help you enter the employee's pay details into Sage Micropay. For more information, please refer to the section, Making corrections - If the employee was paid for the missing periods.
It's important to print the Control Summary report both before and after you edit an employee's year to date (YTD) values. When you compare these two reports, the differences should only relate to the values you've changed. For more information about how to print the Control Summary report and reconciling values on it, please refer to article .
Making corrections - If the employee was paid for the missing periods
Take a backup of your existing payroll data, then complete the following steps:
- On the menu bar, click Processing then Employee Details.
- Next to the Surname box, click browse
and click the relevant employee.
- Click the ETP tab.
- On the next available entry line, complete the following information for each of the missing periods:
Period | Enter the missing period's number. |
Period Date | Enter the pay date of the missing period. |
Type | Type N. |
Gross | Enter the taxable gross pay for the missing period. This value should be the employee's gross pay minus any:
Tax | Enter the tax paid in the missing period. |
PRSIable E'e | Enter the gross pay that was subject to employee PRSI calculation in the missing period. |
PRSI E'e | Enter the amount of PRSI paid by the employee in the missing period. |
PRSI Code E'e | Enter the relevant PRSI contribution subclass. For example, AX. If you're unsure about what to enter here, please contact the Department of Social Protection. |
PRSIable E'r | Enter the gross pay that was subject to employer PRSI calculation in the missing period. |
PRSI E'r | Enter the amount of PRSI paid by your company on behalf of the employee in the missing period. |
PRSI Code E'r | Enter the relevant PRSI contribution subclass. For example, A1 or AX. If you're unsure about what to enter here, please contact the Department of Social Protection. |
PRSI Base | Enter the relevant PRSI contribution class . |
Ins Wks | Enter the number of insurable weeks that the employee worked in the missing period. |
Hours | If the employee is hourly-paid, enter the total number of hours the employee worked in the missing period. |
BIK Amount | If applicable, enter the benefit in kind (BIK) income in the missing period. |
BIK Tax | If applicable, enter the tax paid on the BIK in the missing period. |
BIK PRSI E'e | If applicable, enter the PRSI paid by the employee on the BIK in the missing period. |
BIK PRSI E'r | If applicable, enter the PRSI paid by the employer on the BIK in the missing period. |
Pay for USC | Enter the income that was subject to USC calculation in the missing period. |
USC | Enter the USC amount paid by the employee in the missing period. |
BIK USC TP | Enter the BIK USC amount paid by the employee in the missing period. |
Illness Benefit | If the employee received any illness benefit payments in the missing period, enter the taxable amount. |
Property Tax TP | If the employee pays local property tax through the payroll, enter the amount paid by the employee in the missing period. |
- Repeat the previous step for each of the missing periods you need to enter.
- Click the Pay / YTD tab.
- If the employee had any non-taxable deductions in the missing period(s), such as, pensions or PRSAs, complete the following information:
Employee Financial Year Edit this value so it includes the total contributions made by the employee in the missing period(s). Employee Tax Year Edit this value so it includes the total contributions made by the employee in the missing period(s). Employee From Start Edit this value so it includes the total contributions made by the employee in the missing period(s). Employer Financial Year Edit this value so it includes the total contributions made by your company on the employee's behalf in the missing period(s). Employer Tax Year Edit this value so it includes the total contributions made by your company on the employee's behalf in the missing period(s). Employer From Start Edit this value so it includes the total contributions made by your company on the employee's behalf in the missing period(s). - Under PRSI, complete the following information:
Employee Tax Yr Ignore this option. Employer Tax Yr Ignore this option. Employer Financial Yr Edit this value so it includes the total amount PRSI paid by your company on behalf of the employee in the missing period(s). - When you've completed the changes, click Save.
- A new window appears: Override ETP. You must resend the submission for the removed periods. This window allows two options:
- Resend the submission to ROS at a later stage - If you need to make other changes that also require a submission, select this option.
- Resend the Payroll Submission to ROS now - if you're happy all other changes have been made for the relevant period, select this option.
- You can now resend the payroll submission for each amended pay period.
The year to date values (Cumulative Control Totals) on the Control Summary report update automatically with the changes you've made.
Making corrections - If the employee wasn't paid for the missing periods
- On the menu bar, click Processing then click Time and Pay.
- Under Entry mode, select Random then click Continue.
- Next to the Employee box, click browse
and click the relevant employee.
- Enter the employee's pay details for the current period plus the missing pay periods.
- Under Pay periods, in the Insur. Weeks box, enter the number of weeks the employee has worked in the current period plus the missing pay periods.
If an employee works for any day (Monday to Sunday) in a particular week, they are entitled to an insurance week for that week.
- In the Weeks Worked box, enter the same value you entered in step 5.
- Click Save then click Cancel.
- The employee's current and previous pay will be included in the payroll submission to Revenue.