Process extra pay for a leaver

To process an extra payment for a leaver, the process you need to follow depends on if they left in the current tax year or a previous tax year. Let's take a look.


If the employee left in the current year

Remove the finish date and finish period

  1. From the process map in the centre of Sage Payroll, click Edit Employees.
  2. Next to the surname box, click browse then select the required employee.
  3. Click the Tax/PRSI/USC tab.
  4. Make a note of the Finish Date and Finish Period values, then clear both fields.
  5. Click Save then select 'The employee was marked as a leaver in error (a Payroll Submission was sent to Revenue where the employee was a leaver)' when prompted to choose an option and click Save again. 

Process the extra payment

  1. Retrieve the latest Revenue payroll notification (RPN).
  2. Process the extra payment for the employee on the timesheet.
  3. In the Insur. Weeks field, enter the number of weeks worked. If the payment is solely for pay owed to the employee, enter 1.
  4. In the Leaving/Suspend section, in the dropdown menu, click Leaving.
  5. In the Date box, enter the original leave date that you noted in the previous section.
  6. Click Save then click Cancel.
  7. After you end the period, Send payroll submissions to Revenue as normal.

If the employee left in the previous year

  1. Create a new employee record for the employee. Leave the Start Date blank and enter the original employment ID

    NOTE: You may need to refer to the previous year of Sage Payroll for this information. 

  2. Retrieve the latest Revenue payroll notification (RPN).
  3. Process the extra payment for the employee on the timesheet.
  4. In the Leaving/Suspend section, in the dropdown menu, click Leaving.
  5. In the Date box, enter the original leave date.
  6. Click Save then click Cancel.
  7. After you end the period, Send payroll submissions to Revenue as normal.

[BCB:258:UKI - Personal content block - Paul:ECB]

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