Enhanced reporting submission errors

What to do when you experience an error during the submission to Revenue.

 TIP: If you experience warnings when you try to send your Enhanced reporting submission, use the Enhanced reporting submission warnings article to resolve them. 

[BCB:32:Revenue Online Service issues :ECB]

Enhanced reporting submission errors

1016Cert is not active.Download your ROS Certificate.
1012Unable to authenticate request. Refer to technical reference documentation for details on digitally signing web service requests with a ROS Digital Certificate.Download your ROS Certificate.
1013Unauthorised request: ROS Digital Certificate has expired.Download your ROS Certificate.
1003Employer Registration Number not found.Employer Registration Number not associated with PREM, or employers PAYE registration, tax head.
1004Invalid format Employer Registration Number.Employer Registration Number must be in the correct format of 7 digits, including leading zeros, followed by either 1 or 2 letters.     
1005Inactive Employer Registration Number.Employer Registration Number must be active.
1015Unauthorised request: Employer Registration Number and ROS Digital Certificate must be linked.Your Employer Registration Number and ROS Digital Certificate must be link. Download your ROS Certificate.
1006Invalid format AgentTAIN.Agent TAIN must be a valid format.
1007Inactive AgentTAIN.Agent TAIN must be active.
1008No active link between Agent TAIN and Employer Registration Number.Agent TAIN and Employer Registration Number must link.
1011Cert does not have appropriate permissions.Set your ROS certificate up with permission to use enhanced reporting functions.
2001Duplicate submission across SubmissionID, EnahncedReportingRunReference and EmployerRegistrationNumber.Submission ID must be unique under Employer Registration Number and Enhanced Reporting Run Reference for the Tax Year chosen.
2046An enhanced reporting submission must have at least one expenses/benefits to add/deleteAn enhanced reporting submission must contain at least one expense/benefit or a Line Item To Delete.
1009Invalid TaxYear selected based on the version of schema used.Set your Pay Date to the current tax year.
2051An enhanced reporting submission should not have the same lineItemId for a expenses/benefits and a lineItemToDeleteAn enhanced reporting submission can't have the same line Item Id for an expense/benefit and a line Item To Delete.
1017LineItem is required to delete the expenses/benefit.Enter a Line Item to delete the required expense/benefit.
1018Unable to delete line item because it has already been deleted.The line item has been deleted.
2049Invalid previous line itemCorrect the previous line item.
2007Duplicate LineItemID across the enhanced reporting run.Line Item ID must be unique across an enhanced reporting run.
4002EmploymentID required for specified PPSN.Employment ID required for specified PPS Number/employee. Correct this in the Personnel tab of the employee's record.
2050Unable to delete a expenses/benefits which has not been submittedUnable to delete an expense/benefit that hasn't been submitted.
1010Invalid format employee PPSN.PPS Number must be in the format of 7 digits, followed by either 1 or 2 check characters.
2009EmployerReference is mandatory if EmployeeID (PPSN & EmploymentID) is not included.Enter your Employer Reference if you don't know the employee's Employee ID and PPS Number.
2010Address is mandatory when EmployeeID (PPSN & EmploymentID) is not included.Enter the address if you don't know the employee's Employee ID and PPS Number.
2017The Date Of Birth must be today or earlier.The employee's Date of Birth can't be in the future.
2048Employee's Date of Birth is mandatory if the PPSN is not availableEnter the employee's Date of Birth if they haven't got a PPS Number.
2018DateOfBirth cannot be dated 130 years ago or more.The employee's Date of Birth can't be over 130 years ago.
2019PayDate must be within the TaxYear specified in the header of the ERRSubmissionRequest.  Your Pay Date must be within the tax year specified in the header of the enhanced reporting submission.  
2601Whole days only to be reportedRemote working only allows whole days.
2606Invalid date providedThe date can't be before 1 January 2024.
2610Category and Sub Category must be relatedThe category and sub-category aren't compatible.
2611Number of Days not to be reported with this categoryNumber Of Days reported in error.
2501No details found for the Enhanced Reporting SubmissionID requested.The Submission ID must match an Enhanced Reporting Submission received by Revenue. 
1111Not authorised to view this service To be able to view details, link the agent TAIN and Employer Registration Number on or before the submission date.
2506No details found for the Enhanced Reporting Run Reference requested.The Enhanced Reporting Run Reference must match an Enhanced Reporting Submission received by Revenue. 
3014A PPSN or an employee ID must be provided for a lookup ERN by employee requestProvide a PPS Number for a lookup ERN request.
3101Invalid Tax Year selected. Tax Year cannot be before 2024Tax year selected can't be before 2024.
5001No active link between AgentTAIN and EmployerRegistrationNumber for the month.Link Agent TAIN and Employer Registration Number for the month that the request relates to.