Enhanced reporting submission warnings

When you try to submit your Enhanced reporting submission to Revenue, you may experience warnings .

 TIP: If you have experience errors when you try to send your Enhanced reporting submission, use our handy Enhanced reporting submission errors guide to check and resolve them. 


Enhanced reporting submission warnings

Warning Code Warning Message  Solution
2045 Warning: No PPSN or employment ID provided. Ensure there's a PPS Number and an Employment ID in the Personnel tab of the employee's record.
2600 Exceeds allowable amount The Remote working value exceeds the current limit of €1075.20.
2602 Number of days exceeds 365 or Number of days exceeds 366 in a leap year The Remote working total number of days exceeds the limit. This is 365 days in standard year and 366 in a leap year.
2608 Number of days exceeds -365 or Number of days exceeds -366 in a leap year  The Remote working total number of days exceeds the limit. This is 365 days in standard year and 366 in a leap year.
2603 Value of Benefit can not exceed €1000 >The Small Benefit value exceeds the current limit of €1000.00.
2604 Exemption can not exceed 2 per employee per tax year You can't enter a Small Benefit more than twice for the same employee / PPS Number in one tax year.
2605 Exceeds allowable amount The Travel and subsistence for site based employees value exceeds the current limit of €8716.80.
2607 Exceeds allowable amount The Travel and subsistence eating on site value exceeds the current limit of €8716.80.
2609 Emergency expenses can be paid a maximum of 60 times per employee per tax year Emergency expenses can't be claimed more than 60 times for the same employee / PPS Number in one tax year.
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