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Delete invoices, credit notes or sales orders

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This guide explains how to delete invoices, credit notes and sales orders in Sage 50 Accounts.


There may be times when you need to delete an invoice, credit or sales order that you've entered in error or with incorrect details. To help you decide what action you need to take, click the relevant option below and follow the wizard.

CAUTION: As deletions can't be reversed, we recommend you first take a backup of your data. If you delete a large number of items, we recommend you also then compress your data.


What do you want to delete?
Please choose below what you want to delete.

Was the invoice created from a sales order?

If you're using Sage 50 Accounts Professional, to check if the invoice was created from a sales order:

  1. Click Invoices and credits, select the required invoice and click Edit.
  2. Click the Details tab and check to see if there is a number in the Order No box.

Is the credit updated?

To check if the credit is updated:

  • Click Invoices and credits and check the Posted column. If this shows Yes the credit has been updated.

Within Sage 50 Accounts Professional it's possible to delete sales orders from the list in the Sales Order Processing window. You may need to do this to correct mistakes, cancel raised orders, correct sales order corruption, or remove old and unwanted sales orders.

NOTE:If a sales order has a Despatched status of part or complete, deleting the sales order does not delete the corresponding invoice, or adjust the stock levels on the associated Product Record(s). In this situation the order should be reversed, for further information, please refer to this article.

To check the status of your sales order
  1. Click Sales orders then click the Allocated column heading. The list sorts by the allocated status.
  2. Click the Despatched column heading. The list sorts by the despatched status.

You've now checked the status of your sales orders and may want to complete these orders before deleting them.Read more>

To delete your sales orders
  1. Click Sales orders then select the items to be removed. If required, you can use the Search option to select a range of orders to be deleted. Read more >
  2. Delete , then click Yes.

If the status of the sales order is Allocated, when the sales order is deleted, the quantities allocated on the Product Records are automatically reduced.

If the status of the sales order is Complete, and the deletion is to correct or cancel the sales order, you must adjust the stock levels manually. The invoice generated by the order must also be deleted or reversed. For further information on this please refer to this article.

You've now deleted all of your unwanted sales orders.

Do you also need to delete the sales order?
Is the invoice updated?

To check if the invoice is updated:

  • Click Invoices and credits and check the Posted column. If this shows Yes, the invoice has been updated.
Is it a product or service credit?

To check if it's a product or service credit:

  • Click Invoices and credits and check the Type column. If the Type is Crd, it's a product credit, if it is Scr it's a service credit.
Delete the credit from the Invoicing module

As the credit is not updated, no audit trail or stock transactions have been posted, therefore you can delete the credit from the Invoicing window.

  • Click Invoices and credits, select the required credit, click Delete and click Yes.
Is the invoice updated?

To check if the invoice is updated:

  • Click Invoices and credits, check the Posted column. If this shows Yes the invoice has been updated.
Is the invoice updated?

To check if the invoice is updated:

  • Click Invoices and credits, check the Posted column. If this shows Yes the invoice has been updated.
Is it a product or service invoice?

To check if it's a product or service invoice:

  • Click Invoices and credits and check the Type column. If the Type is 'Inv', it's a product invoice, if it is 'Srv' it's a service invoice.
Delete the invoice from the Invoicing module

As the invoice is not updated, no audit trail or stock transactions have been posted, therefore you can delete the invoice from the Invoicing window.

To delete the invoice:

 NOTE: After you delete the invoice, there will be a gap in the invoice numbering. Manually overtype the invoice number to reuse this number when creating a new one.

Delete an updated product credit

When the credit was updated the following transactions were posted:

  • Sales Credit (SC)
  • Goods Returned (GR)

    NOTE: A GR transaction is only posted if the product has an item type of Stock.

Sage Accounts uses the First In First Out (FIFO) stock system. If you use Sage Accounts for stock control and run the product valuation reports, when you post the Adjustment Out (AO), you must ensure you use the same cost price as on the original GR transaction. If you want to keep accurate control of product valuation, you must adjust all of the stock out, then adjust it all back in again using the appropriate dates and cost prices.

  1. Click Invoices and credits, select the credit and click Delete, then click Yes.
  2. Click Transactions, select the SC transaction and click Delete, then click Delete again and click Yes.

    TIP: If the invoice has already been VAT reconciled you can only reverse the transaction, it cannot be deleted. For more information about the corrections option, read more.

  3. Click Products and services, then click Adjustment out and adjust the stock out.
Delete an updated service credit

When the credit was updated the following transaction was posted:

  • Sales Invoice (SC)
  1. Click Transactions, select the SC transaction and click Delete.
  2. Click Invoices and credits, select the credit and click Delete, then click Yes.
  3. Click Delete, then click Yes.

    TIP: If the invoice has already been VAT reconciled you can only reverse the transaction, it cannot be deleted. For more information about the corrections option, read more.

Delete a sales order and an updated product invoice

When the sales order was despatched, for any products with an item type of Stock, the following stock transaction was posted:

  • Goods Out (GO)

When the invoice was updated the following transaction was posted:

  • Sales Invoice (SI)

Sage Accounts uses the First In First Out (FIFO) stock system. If you use Sage Accounts for stock control and run the product valuation reports, when you post the Adjustment In (AI), you must ensure you use the same cost price as on the original GO transaction.

  1. Click Sales orders, select the order then click Delete and click Yes.
  2. Click Invoices and credits, select the invoice then click Delete and click Yes.
  3. Click Transactions, select the SI transaction and click Delete, click Delete again and click Yes.

    TIP: If the invoice has already been VAT reconciled you can only reverse the transaction, it cannot be deleted. For more information about the corrections option, read more.

  4. Click Products and services and click Adjustment in then adjust the stock in.
Delete a sales order and an invoice which has not been updated

When the sales order was dispatched following transaction was posted:

  • Goods Out (GO)

    NOTE: A GO transaction is only posted if the product has an item type of Stock.

Sage Accounts uses the First In First Out (FIFO) stock system. If you use Sage Accounts for stock control and run the product valuation reports, when you post the Adjustment In (AI), you must ensure you use the same cost price as on the original GO transaction.

  1. Click Sales orders, select the order and click Delete then click Yes.
  2. Click Invoices and credits, select the invoice and click Delete then click Yes.
  3. Click Products and services and click Adjustment in then adjust the stock in.
Delete an invoice produced from a sales order

When the sales order was despatched following transaction was posted:

  • Goods Out (GO)

    NOTE: A GO transaction is only posted if the product has an item type of Stock.

When the invoice was updated the following transaction was posted:

  • Sales Invoice (SI)
    1. Click Invoices and credits, select the invoice and click Delete then click Yes.
    2. Click Transactions, select the SI transaction and click Delete, Delete > Yes.

TIP: If the invoice has already been VAT reconciled you can only reverse the transaction, it cannot be deleted. For more information about the corrections option, read more.

NOTE:If you want to create a new invoice, be aware that if you create a product invoice and update it, another GO transaction is posted, meaning that more stock is adjusted out. You can avoid this by posting a service invoice.

Delete the invoice from the Invoicing module

As the invoice is not updated, no audit trail transactions have been posted, therefore you can delete the invoice from the Invoicing window.

  • Click Invoices and credits, select the invoice then click Delete and click Yes.

NOTE:If you want to create a new invoice, be aware that if you create a product invoice and update it, another GO transaction is posted, meaning that more stock is adjusted out. You can avoid this by posting a service invoice.

Delete an updated product invoice

When the invoice was updated the following transactions were posted:

  • Sales Invoice (SI)
  • Goods Out (GO)

    NOTE: A GO transaction is only posted if the product has an item type of Stock.

Sage Accounts uses the First In First Out (FIFO) stock system. If you use Sage Accounts for stock control and run the product valuation reports, when you post the Adjustment In (AI), you must ensure you use the same cost price as on the original GO transaction.

  1. Click Invoices and credits, select the invoice and click Delete then click Yes.
  2. Click Transactions, select the SI transaction and click Delete then click Delete and click Yes.

    TIP: If the invoice has already been VAT reconciled you can only reverse the transaction, it cannot be deleted. For more information about the corrections option, read more.

  3. Click Products and services then click Adjustment in and adjust the stock in.
Delete an updated service invoice

When the invoice was updated a Sales Invoice (SI) was posted.

    1. Click Invoices and credits, select the invoice and click Delete, then click Yes.
    2. Click Transactions, select the SI transaction, click Delete then click Delete and click Yes.

TIP: If the invoice has already been VAT reconciled you can only reverse the transaction, it cannot be deleted. For more information about the corrections option, read more.