Record money paid into your account (Other receipt)

The money received could be cash sales in a shop, or money received from someone who is not a regular customer.


How this works

  • Use Other Receipt for money received that you do not want to use to pay a sales invoice
  • You can't use an Other Receipt to pay a sales invoice at a later date
  • Only use this for a customer contact when a customer has paid you and you are not going to send them a sales invoice
  • If the money received covers more than one item, enter each item as a separate line - choose the appropriate ledger account for each line
  • Entering more than one line shows the receipt as a single total on your bank account and bank reconciliation. It shows as individual amounts on your ledger accounts
  • By default, we show the ledger account set as the default in the settings. Record and Transaction settings

Enter an Other Receipt

  1. From Banking, select the correct bank account.
  2. Select New Entry, then Sale / Receipt.
  3. Select the Other Receipt tab. Enter the bank account, payment method, date and total amount received.
  4. If required, enter a customer and a reference. Only select a customer when you are not going to send them a sales invoice.
  5. Enter the remaining details.
    • Change to a different ledger account if required. Use this to categorise what the money is for
    • Choose the correct VAT Rate for the receipt. The VAT calculates from the VAT rate you select
    • The Total defaults to the value you entered in Amount Received. If required, you can change this
  6. If your receipt is for several items, enter these on separate lines.
    • The total for all lines must match the amount in Amount Received before you can save
    • If you only know the gross value of a single item, tab to the Total and enter the gross amount. Tab again or press Enter. We update the Net and VAT amounts for you
  7. Select Save. To add another receipt, select Add Another from the Save drop-down list. Repeat the process if required.

If you need to make this payment as a recurring payment, just open the payment once saved and choose the option Make recurring. Read about recurring bank entries.


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