Your Gender Pay Gap data files explained

You can use the Gender Pay Gap Wizard to create your reporting CSV files. You can then enter the values from these onto Revenue's website.

Gender Pay Gap data files

TIP: When reporting over more than one tax year, a single merged summary row is reported per employee, containing the information for both tax years, based matching PPSn. 

A Gender Pay Gap data file generates as a .CSV file for each payment category you select.

The exported .CSV files contain the following Employee data for all periods within the date range entered:

NOTE: If any of the following fields aren't complete in the Employee Record, the output for that field to the .CSV file is blank.  

Static information

These columns show: Employee Code, Employee First name, Employee Surname, Employee PPSn, Gender, Employment type, Pay Type.

Payments and Sum total

A column for each selected payment displays. For example, Basic, Standard, Overtime. The column header is the name of the payment.

Payments are displayed in increasing Payment ID, with 2024 payments taking precedence when the Payment Name and Payment ID don't match.

Hours Worked and Contracted Hours

When the employee's pay type is Salary and the Contracted hours amount is greater than 0, the following columns show:

Total number of hours worked, Total number of Contracted hours

For example: Example file showing the columns.

Gender Pay Gap reports exclude leavers

In v27.3 and above, if the employee has a finsh date that falls within the snapshot date range, they're excluded from Gender Pay Gap reporting.

For example, if the snapshot date range is 05/05/2023 to 04/06/2024. If an employee's finish date is equal to or between these dates, then they're excluded from the reports.