Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) legislation

From January 2023, employees will receive up to three paid sick leave days under the scheme.

In June 2021, the Government announced details of a statutory sick pay scheme

In November 2021, the Government published the draft Sick Leave Bill 2021 - DETE ( providing further detail on the proposed scheme: 

  • Paid sick leave for up to three sick days in 2023. This increases to five days in 2024 and seven days in 2025
  • Employers pay statutory sick leave at 70% of normal wages, up to a maximum of €110 per day
  • To qualify for paid sick leave under the new scheme, the employee must have been working for the employer for at least 13 weeks
  • The employee must also obtain certification from a GP stating they are unfit to work

NOTE: You can implement your own sick pay scheme instead of SSP, provided it offers equal or higher pay than SSP.

Processing SSP

To qualify for SSP, your employee must have worked for you for at least 13 weeks. Their GP also needs to certify them as unfit to work.

You can enter SSP in Sage Payroll from your first pay run on or after 1 January 2023.

It's easy to set up and Process Statutory Sick Pay.