Gender identification for payroll reporting

To help you prepare for Gender Pay Gap reporting, you can run reports to check that your employees are set up with the correct gender on your payroll.

We've included the Employee Gender report and Employee Gender import CSV file in the 2022 software. Let's take a look.


The Employee Gender report

Run the report:

  1. Click Reports and then choose Report Writer.
  2. Within Report Writer click File then click Open.
  3. Choose the EEGender.rpt file then Open it.
  4. Click Process to generate the report.

This report shows:

  • Employee's Gender
  • Employee's Surname
  • Employee's First Name
  • Employee's PPS Number

Next steps

If required, you can change the employee's gender in their record.

If you only need to change the gender of a few employees, you can edit the gender in their employee record. To do this:

  1. Click Processing, then click Employee Details.
  2. Under the Gender section, choose the correct gender of the employee.

Or, if you need to change the gender of a number of employees, you can import the employee's gender information.

Steps to duplicate
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