Process holiday pay automatically

You should only use automatic holiday pay if the employee is receiving their holiday pay in advance. If the employee is not receiving their holiday pay in advance, you need to manually enter your employees' holiday pay.

When you process an employee's time and pay, the value of a holidayable payment adjusts according to the number of holiday periods you enter.


Record automatic holiday pay


If you record automatic holiday pay, you need to edit any payments that are holidayable. This is to ensure you pay the employee the correct amount and increase their pay for the amount of pay periods they are on holiday for.

  1. From the menu bar, click Company/Payroll, then click Payments.
  2. Select a payment that is holidayable, then click Edit.
  3. Select the check box Multiply by the number of holiday periods, then click Save.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each holidayable payment, then click Close.


When you record automatic holiday pay, you need to edit any deductions that are holidayable, for example pension contributions. This is to ensure you deduct the correct amount of pay and increase the deduction accordingly to the amount of pay periods they are on holiday for.

  1. In the menu bar, click Company/Payroll, then click Deductions.
  2. Select a deduction that is holidayable, then click Edit.
  3. Select the check box Multiply by the number of holiday periods, then click Save.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each holidayable payment, then click Close.

Process automatic holiday pay on an employee's timesheet

Salary-paid and hourly-paid employees

  1. From the menu bar, click Processing, then click, Time and Pay.
  2. Under entry mode select Random, then click Continue.
  3. Use the employee finder button then select the relevant employee.
  4. Within the Pay periods section, under Hol. Periods enter the number of periods the employee is on holidays for.
    TIP: If you're paying an employee in a weekly payroll, one holiday period accounts for one holiday week. If you're paying an employee in a fortnightly payroll, one holiday period accounts for two holiday weeks. 
  5. Enter the employee's pay details as normal, then Save, then click Cancel.
Steps to duplicate
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