Employment Details Summary report

The Employment Details Summary report includes pay and tax details with the company for the year. This report is for reference only and isn't an official Revenue document.

You can choose to print or preview the report, or generate a PDF version.


 NOTE: To run this report, complete the payroll for the tax year and ensure it is at End of Period (EOP). 

  1. On the menu bar, go to Year End then select Tax.
  2. Select Tax Year End Reports.
  3. Under payroll reports, select Employee Details Summary.
  4. Select Print, Preview or PDF
    This image shows the Tax Year End report screen.

Your employees can download a statement of their earnings from the myAccount employee portal on the Revenue website. If an employee is unable to use myAccount, they can request a paper version of the statement from Revenue.

For a summary of the values included on this report, the Gross to Nett report has a new summary option available to use. Find more information on how to generate the Gross to Nett report.

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