Settings - Purchase order defaults

Sage 50 Accounts Professional provides you with all of the functions you need to produce purchase orders for your products and services. From the Purchase orders module, you can create a purchase order, place stock on-order, record part and full deliveries and print the purchase orders.

Before creating you first purchase orders, you can save time in the long run by setting up some defaults that will apply to all new orders automatically. This article explains how to do this.

Although there are invoice defaults within the Invoice and Order Defaults area, this article only deals with order defaults. To amend quantity or price decimal precision, please refer to Product Defaults.

Set up the order defaults
  1. On the menu bar click Settings then click Invoice & Order Defaults.
  2. Make any required changes. For details of each tab, please see the sections below.
  3. Click OK.

Once order defaults have been set up, they apply to all new orders you create.


General tab
Show special products codes in Invoicing/SOP/POP To display the special stock codes, S1, S2 and S3, in the Invoicing and credits, Sales orders and Purchase orders, select this check box.
Place Order Shortfalls on Order Automatically
To automatically record a purchase order to your supplier for any sales order shortfalls, select this check box.
Lock Autonumber on Invoicing/SOP/POP
To prevent autonumber being manually amended, select this check box. To be able to manually amend the automatically assigned invoice, sales order or purchase order number, don't select this check box.
Prompt to Order Stock when saving a Purchase Order
In Purchase Order Processing, when saving a purchase order you are prompted to confirm that you want to order stock. If you prefer not to see this message each time you save, clear this check box.
Purchase Order Delivery Addresses
To default the delivery address to the company delivery address, supplier delivery address or customer delivery address, choose the required option. If required, this can be changed when the order is created.


Footer Defaults tab
Purchase Order Carriage Defaults
Net Enter the net carriage amount to be added to your order.
From this drop-down list, choose the nominal code to post the carriage to. If you are using the Sage Accounts default chart of accounts, this is 5100.
From this drop-down list, choose the Department number to post the carriage to.

If the value, nominal code or department for carriage isn't always the same, either leave the default field blank or enter the most likely default. These can be amended from within the order entry window when you create the purchase order.


Options tab

When you open the order entry window, the order number appears as . The number is assigned when you save the purchase order.

Invoice and Order Numbering

If required, change the starting number of your orders and GDNs:

Purchase orders start from Enter the starting number of your orders.
Goods received start from
Enter the starting number of your Goods Received Notes or GRN.
When an Invoice or Order is saved
To either create a new invoice/credit note/order at the point of saving the document, or edit the existing document. From the drop-down list, choose the required option.
GDN and GRN Options

From the drop-down lists, choose one of the following GDN options:

Generate for all received
Sage Accounts generates a GRN automatically for each delivery or despatch.
Prompt at each received
Sage Accounts prompts you to generate a GRN each time you record a delivery or despatch.
don't generate Sage Accounts updates the purchase order and stock levels, but does not produce a GRN. If you choose don't generate, the GRN option does not appear on the Purchase Order Processing toolbar.
Special Items

Change the default tax codes that are used for the special stock codes, S1, S2 and S3.


Update ledgers tab - v22 and above only
Update transaction Ref with Choose the option you want to update the transaction reference with:
  • Order number
  • Order reference
  • Supplier order number
The default option is set to Order number.
Update transaction Ex Ref Choose the option you want to update the transaction reference with:
  • Order number
  • Order reference
  • Supplier order number
  • Nothing
The default option is set to Nothing.


Intrastat tab
Use the Intrastat tab to complete your Supplementary Declarations by identifying EU transactions. You can then transfer these figures onto the official Supplementary Declaration forms. For further information, please refer to - A guide to Intrastat - UK only.
Quick print tab
Purchase Orders To set up your default purchase order layout to use with the Quick Print feature:
  • Click Browse then locate the required layout then click OK.
Email tab
Purchase Orders To set up your default purchase order layout to use with the Email feature:
  • Click Browse and locate the required layout then click OK.



[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]
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