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Resend an Enhanced Reporting Submission for a previous period

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How to resend an enhanced reporting submission to Revenue for a previous period in Sage Payroll.


You should resend an Enhanced Reporting Submission if you:

  • Amend expense payments values in Time and Pay after you submit the current period.
  • If you forgot to send an Enhanced Reporting Submission for a previous period.
  • If you need to make changes to your expense categorisation figures after your submission to Revenue.

 NOTE: This feature is available in Sage Payroll v27.1.


  1. On the menu bar, click Direct Payroll Reporting then click Enhanced Reporting.
  2. Then click Re-send Enhanced Reporting Submission then select the period you need to submit. image
  3. Click Continue
  4. Amend the relevant expenses in the Categorise Expenses screen for the required employees, then click Next.
  5. Make sure your ROS details are correct, then click Next.
  6. A summary of your submission appears in the Review Details screen. To print and save details, click Export Details.
  7. Make sure this information is correct, then click Submit.
  8. When your submission is successful, this is confirmed in the Process Complete screen.
  9. Repeat these steps for each period you need to re-submit to Revenue.

You can view the ERR submission you have made in your submissions log.

 CAUTION: Any changes you make in the Categorise Expenses screen before you submit won't update the values you enter in Time and Pay.