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Hourly rates in expense payments

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How to apply an hourly rate to an expense payment in Sage Payroll v27.1.


You can apply an hourly rate to an expense payment in v27.1. This is useful if you're paying travel based on a mileage rate or when recording remote working daily allowance.

 TIP: An employee's hourly rates are held in the Payments tab of each employee record. Or you can use a company hourly rate. 

Let's take a look.


  1. Click Company/Payroll, then click Payments.
  2. Highlight the relevant expense payment, then click Edit.
  3. Under the Factor section, select the Based on hourly rate checkbox. Image
  4. From the Rate drop-down select the hourly rate.
  5. Check all the other details are correct including the Enhanced Reporting Category.
  6. Click Save
  7. Repeat for each expense payment that has an hourly rate.

 NOTE: When the values for these payments transfer to the Categorise Expenses screen only the total value shows. Any Remote Working - Total Number of Days still needs to be entered, even if using a rate based payment.