When you run the Period Rewind option to Make corrections to your payroll, you may receive this warning:
If you're using Enhanced Reporting Requirements you may receive this warning:
Let's take a look at why this appears.
Payroll Submissions
If you've already sent the payroll submission to Revenue for the period you're rewinding, you need to send another submission to Revenue to notify them of any changes made. You can follow our handy Resend a payroll submission guide to do this.
Enhanced Reporting Submissions
If you've already sent your Enhanced Reporting Submission to Revenue for this period, you need to send another submission to Revenue to notify them of the any changes made.
Period rewind clears any values you change in the Categorise Expenses screen and you need to apply these changes again.
If you've retrieved RPNs at status 'End of Period', running the Period Rewind option will rewind these from the related employees. You can follow our handy guide to Retrieve Revenue Payroll Notifications (RPNs) for these employees again.
Employee Details
If you've made changes to existing employee records or created new employee records at status 'End of Period', running the Period Rewind option will rewind these changes from the related employees. You will need to make the changes for these employees again.
Once you confirm what you need to do after you run Period Rewind, to continue passed this message to rewind the last posting, click Yes.