Set up your bank details


How to set up your banks in Sage Payroll.


You can set up banks in the Bank Details window. Sage Payroll supports an unlimited number of banks. The bank details set up here are used by all the payrolls in your software.


To add a bank to the system, carry out the following steps:

  1. Log into Sage Payroll with the User Name ADMIN and your password, then click OK.
  2. Select the Tables - Bank Details menu option.
  3. The Bank Details window opens. Each bank is identified by its own sort code. Expand the Sort Code code drop-down list to display the existing banks already set up in the system. Select a bank to open its record. If you need to change any of the details for a bank, edit the fields in the record and click Save.
  4. If you need to set up a bank not already in the list, enter its sort code and click Find. A message box prompts you to confirm that you want to create the new bank record. Click OK to proceed.
  5. Specify the bank details in the fields provided.
  6. Click Save to store the new bank record.

Sort CodeThe sort code identifies a bank and branch. If the bank record already exists on your system, the bank details are shown. You can amend them if necessary.
NameThe name of the bank.
AddressThe branch address of the bank.

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Last Modified Date
Tue Jan 02 11:15:48 UTC 2024
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