
You can follow the steps in this handy guide to Disable all employees from Covid-19 subsidy schemes.
Revenue have a specified range for an employee's gross pay when they're on EWSS. If an employee's weekly gross pay is less than €151.50 or greater than €1462.00 you receive the following error message when attempting to save an employee's timesheet:
'Gross pay exceeds EWSS limit'
CAUTION: If you continue to save the timesheet and send the payroll submission when the gross pay is not in the specified range, Revenue may take compliance action.
For more information on EWSS and the specified range, refer to Revenues Website.
To resolve this, ensure the gross amount for the employee falls within the specified range of EWSS.
Check an employee's gross pay
Within Time and Pay under the Payslip Summary section, check the figure within Gross pay meets the range given by Revenue.
TIP: If this employee's pay is outside of the range, the scheme doesn't apply to them and their pay should be processed as normal.
Remove the employee from the scheme
- On the menu bar, click Processing then click Time and Pay.
- Under Entry mode, select Random or Sequential.
NOTE: The Covid-19 Subsidy settings can't be updated in any other entry mode.
- Click Continue to open the timesheets for each employee.
- In the Covid-19 Subsidy section, clear the Covid-19 Subsidy check box.
- Click Save to save the new timesheet.