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Install Sage Payroll on a network

Created on  | Last modified on 


How to download and install the latest version of Sage Payroll on a network.


  1. Close Sage Payroll 2024.
  2. Select the link below to download the software -
    Download Sage Payroll update
  3. Check if you're a Windows administrator.
  4. Double click Sage Payroll v27.3 Install.exe
  5. Select the I accept the terms of the licence checkbox, then Next.
  6. Select Server, then Next.
  7. Check the data folder is correct.
    If not, select Browse, enter the correct directory, then OK.
  8. Select Next then Install and Finish.
  9. Double click Sage Payroll V27.3 Install.exe again.
  10. Select the I accept the terms of the licence checkbox, then Next.
  11. Select Client, then Next.
  12. Select Custom, then Next.
  13. Check the program and data directories are correct.
    If not, select Browse, enter the correct directories, then OK.
  14. Select Next, then select the Add shortcuts to my desktop checkbox.
  15. Select Install, then Finish.
  16. Repeat steps 9 to 16 on each computer on your network.