Within Sage Payroll you can revert back to a period within the period archive to make any amendements or reprocess.
You can use the Period Archive option within Sage Payroll to archive payroll period data, which you can then use to access historical reports, or to continue processing from that archived pay period.
With this option you can switch between pay periods with ease, and revert back to the current pay period without the need to restore backups.
- Open Sage Payroll and log in as the administrator.
- On the menu bar, click Miscellaneous, point to Period Archive then click Revert Company To.
- Click the Please select a payroll arrow, then click the relevant payroll.
- Under Period Archives, select the period that you want to revert to.
- Click Revert.
- On the menu bar, click Login then click Login to a Payroll.
- Log in to the relevant payroll as normal. (Archive) appears next to the period number and date at the bottom of your Micropay window. However, you can still edit your payroll values in this period.
- If you want to make timesheet changes within this period, proceed to step 9. If you don't need to make any timesheets changes, skip to step 16.
- On the menu bar, click Processing then click Period Rewind then OK.
- On the menu bar, click Processing then click Time and Pay.
- Under Entry mode, select Random then click Continue.
- Next to the Employee box, click browse and click the employee you want to edit timesheet values for.
- Enter the employee's correct pay details, then click Save.
- Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each employee you want to edit timesheet values for this period, then click Cancel.
- On the menu bar, click Processing then click End of Period then OK.
- On the menu bar, click Processing then click Set Period.
- In the New period to process box, change the number to your next pay period.
- Check that the insurance weeks and dates are correct, then click OK.
- When the following message appears, click Yes to proceed.
CAUTION: Clicking Yes on this message will result remove all payroll archives from later periods. Please exercise caution whilst selecting this option.
You can now reprocess back up to date.
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