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Employer Monthly Liability report

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How to run the Employer Monthly Liability Report in Sage Payroll.


 To report on the totals for Tax (PAYE), Universal Social Charge (USC) and social insurance (PRSI) on a monthly or quarterly basis, you need to use the Employer Monthly Liability report. 

The Employer Monthly Liability operates in the following way:

  • The report includes values based on the Pay Date in the Earnings, Tax & PRSI (ETP) of each employee record. This makes reconciling your submissions (PSRs) to Revenue easier.
  • The report can include all payrolls processed under a single tax registration number, without the need for a consolidation payroll.

If you want this report to include values for the current period, check that you payroll status at the bottom of your Sage Payroll window is End of Period (EOP). If it's not, click Processing then click End Of Period then OK. You need to repeat this process in all payrolls that you need to include in the report.

The report won't run if you're viewing the report whilst logged into an Archive payroll. 


Run the report

  1. On the menu bar, click Reports then Payroll Reports.
  2. In the Company tab, select Employer Monthly Liability.
  3. To proceed, click one of the following options:
    • Preview - Use this option to view the report in notepad.
    • Print - Use this option to print a copy of the report.
    • PDF - Use this option to save a PDF copy of the report.
    • Excel - Use this option to run the report directly in Microsoft Excel.
    • There are further export options available by selecting the Export option whilst previewing the report.
  4. For each payroll you want to include on the Employer Monthly Liability report, tick the Include check box and enter the payroll's password, if required then click Continue.
  5. When prompted to show quarterly subtotals and PRSI breakdown, select the check boxes as required.
  6. To close the Payroll Reports window, click Cancel.

Example report 
