Commodity codes are used worldwide to classify goods for import and export and they help traders to:
- Complete declarations and paperwork.
- Check Duty or VAT requirements.
- Check for duty reliefs.
It's easy to record or update the commodity codes in your product records. Let's take a look.
TIP: Commodity codes are reviewed by the World Customs Organisation every 5 years and the latest changes were made on 1 January 2022. For help to find the latest commodity codes, visit the HMRC Trade Tariff tool or download their 2022 full goods classification.
Add or edit a commodity code
- Click Products and services then double-click the product you want to update.
- In the Product Details section, complete the Intrastat Com. Code and Com. Code Description fields.
TIP: The Intrastat Comm. Code field accepts 8 characters. If required you can use the box to the right for 2 additional characters, or for supplementary units. If your code is only 6 digits, add 00 at the end.
- Click Save, and click Close.
That's it, your product record now shows the commodity code information. If needed, you can add this information to your reports. Read more >
TIP: If you want to change the same commodity code on multiple records, in Sage 50 Accounts Standard and above, you can save time with Batch changes.