RPN warning of employees in receipt of State Pension Contributory

If an employee is in receipt of State Pension (Contributory) and not on PRSI Code J1, M or NA, the following warnings appears:

RPN warning about PRSI code and state pension.


Check the employee's PRSI Code 

  1. Go to Processing, then select Employee Details.
  2. Next to the Surname box, select the browse button.
    Button to select employee. 
  3. Choose the relevant employee, then go to the Tax / PRSI / USC tab.
  4. Check the PRSI Code is J1, M or NA, if not use the PRSI Code list to update as required.
  5. Select Save, then close the Edit Details window.

If you're unsure what PRSI Code to use for an employee, to check contact the Department of Social Protection. Go to gov.ie 

Steps to duplicate
Related Solutions

State Pension (Contributory)

PRSI classes and subclasses