Change the administrator password of your payroll

When you log into Sage Payroll as the system administrator, ADMIN, you have access to all administrative tasks.

You change your administrator password at any time.

 CAUTION: If you usually use the default administrator password PASS, you're prompted to change this when you first log in to v26.2 or above. Follow the steps in this guide to change it.


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Change the system administrator password

  1. Log into Sage Payroll as the system administrator.
  2. On the menu bar, click Security then click Users.
  3. Click Change Password on the ADMIN entry line.
  4. Enter your password into the New Password and Confirm New Password fields. Your password must:
    • Be between eight and 15 characters
    • Contain at least one letter
    • Contain at least one number
    • Contain at least one of these special characters !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~¬¦"£€
     TIP: Find out more about the Password requirements.
  5. Click OK, then click OK again.
You can now Log into Sage Payroll as the system administrator with your new password.
Steps to duplicate
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