To create a holiday paymentIf you have never used a holiday payment when processing a pay run, you will have to create one. You can do this in two areas of the program. ▼From settings- Select Settings from the menu bar.
- Select Payments and deductions.
- Select Create new payment.
- From the Payment Category drop-down menu. Select Holiday Pay.
- From the Payment Type drop-down menu, select Hourly holiday pay or Salary holiday pay.
NOTE: Use Advanced holiday to process the payroll once for multiple periods. e.g. Over Christmas if no one will be available to process the payroll. - Change the Name and Description as required.
- Select Save.
▼While processing the pay run - Process your payroll until you get to the PAY window.
- Select the relevant employees.
- Select Add Payment and Add a New Payment.
- From the Payment Category drop-down menu. Select Holiday Pay.
- From the Payment Type drop-down menu, select Hourly holiday pay or Salary holiday pay.
NOTE: Use Advanced holiday to process the payroll once for multiple periods. e.g. Over Christmas if no one will be available to process the payroll. - Change the Name and Description as required.
- Select Save.
The new payment automatically appears on the payslip. To add an existing holiday payment to an employeeIf you have previously used a holiday payment, you can add this to an employee when you process your pay run. If you pay some employees hourly and some via a salary, you’ll need a holiday payment for each. ▼Steps- Process your payroll until you get to the PAY window.
- Select the employee.
- Select Add Payment.
- Select Holiday Pay, or what ever name you gave it.
- If using Hourly holiday pay:
- In the Quantity box. Enter the number of holiday hours the employee is taking in the current pay run
- In the Rate box. Enter the hourly pay rate
- If using Salary holiday pay:
- In the Rate box, enter the total holiday pay for the employee in the current pay run
- Continue to process your employees’ pay details, and complete the pay run as normal.
NOTE: Adjust the employee’s normal pay to take into account the time taken as holidays during the pay run.
To remove a holiday paymentOnce the holiday period has finished, you should remove this from the employee's payslip. You do this when processing your pay run. [BCB:375:Sales - Holiday:ECB]