Delete a unpaid purchase invoice Once the invoice is unallocated and shows as Unpaid, you can delete it. - From Purchases, select Purchase Invoices.
- Select the check box next to the relevant invoice.
- Choose Delete, from the toolbar.
 The invoice will no longer appear in your accounts. Delete a paid purchase invoice You can check the status of the purchase invoice, follow the steps below: - Go to Purchases, then Purchase Invoices.
- Locate the and click into the purchase invoice.
- Check to see if the Edit option is greyed out.
If the Edit option is not greyed out it means the purchase invoice can be deleted - Select the Edit option and message will appear stating the reason why it you can't delete it.
Select one of the drop downs below to guide you through the steps of deleting the invoice: - From Banking, open the relevant bank account.
- Select the relevant supplier payment.
- Clear the check box of the invoice, then click Save.
If you use the Cash Basis VAT scheme, choose the VAT rate for the payment on account and click Yes. Find out how to delete a supplier payment on account. When you create a credit note and allocate it to an invoice, we create an allocation transaction. This transaction holds the details of linked credit notes and invoices. Before you can edit or delete an invoice that’s paid using a credit note, you must edit the allocation transaction. - From Contacts, then select the required supplier.
- From the Activity tab, open the relevant supplier allocation transaction.
The allocation transaction date is the date you allocated the invoice and credit note.
 - If the credit note is allocated to a single invoice, clear the checkboxes for both the invoice and the credit note.
If the credit note is allocated to multiple invoices, and you just want to unallocate one invoice: Clear the checkbox for the invoice being unallocated
 Amend the amount outstanding on the credit note. Select and adjust the Amount to Pay to match the total of the remaining allocated invoices.

Once you have included an invoice on a submitted VAT Return, you cannot delete it. Instead enter a credit note to reverse the value of the invoice using the same details. - From Purchases, select Purchase Invoices.
- Select the row for the relevant invoice.
- Select Add credit note.
- Enter any notes, and Save.
Once saved - We reduce the balance on your supplier account, cancelling out the value of the invoice
- We show the invoice as Paid
- We show the credit note as Paid
- We include the credit note on your next VAT return, cancelling out the purchase invoice
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