Summary detailsSelect Contacts, Customers and select a contact from the Customers list to open their record. Read our Manage contacts list article for more information. Each record shows the customer's Outstanding balance, Overdue balance, Sales to date, Sales this year and Average Sale. It also indicates if the customer is Active or Inactive. 
Summary valuesOutstanding Total value of all outstanding sales transactions less outstanding credit transactions. This is all unpaid sales invoices, minus; - Unallocated payments. Payments on accounts not matched to invoices
- Unallocated credit notes. Credit notes not matched to sales invoices
Overdue Total value of unpaid sales invoices passed their due date minus any outstanding credit notes. Sales to date Total value of sales for this customer up to today's date. Sales this year Total value of sales for this customer for this financial year. Average Sale Total value of sales, divided by the number of sales transactions. Track invoices, credit notes and payments Use the Activity tab to find details of sales invoices, credit notes and payments for each customer. Double-click on a row to open the transaction. Depending on its status, you can edit, print or delete it. TIP: Change the dates at the top of the list to find older transactions. This defaults to a 30-day period. |