The Find option is then split into the following areas:


Enter the text you want to search for.

EXAMPLE: An account reference, transaction number, a date.

Search in

Choose the field you want to search in. 

EXAMPLE: If you're looking for an account reference, choose the Account Reference field from the drop-down list.


Choose the type of match you're looking for from the following:

Any finds all of the transactions that contain the details you've entered, anywhere in the field you're searching on.

EXAMPLE: Searching for an Account Reference containing the text CAR, matching using the Any option, finds CAR, CARLTON and REDCAR.

Whole finds the transaction that contains the exact details you've entered. 

EXAMPLE: Searching for an Account Reference CAR, using the Whole option only finds CAR, not CARLTON or REDCAR.

Start finds all of the transactions that contain the details you've entered at the beginning of the box you're searching on.

EXAMPLE: Searching for the Account Reference CAR at the start of the box finds CAR and CARLTON not REDCAR.

Case Sensitive

Select this check box if you want your search to pick up capital and lower case letters, exactly as specified in the Find What box.