Check for password encryption issues

You may receive the following message when opening Sage 50 Accounts :

'You have entered an invalid password'

One reason this message can appear is if there's an issue with the password encryption.

For other reasons why you may see this message, refer to our full guide.


To check if there's an issue with the password encryption, create a new user with a password in demonstration data then check if the message appears.

v27 and above
  1. Open Sage 50 Accounts, in the Select Company window, click Demonstration data then click OK.
  2. Log on as Manager then click OK.
  3. Click Settings then click User Management and click Users.
  4. Click New then click either Standard or Adminstrator from the user type options, then click Continue.
  5. Enter Test under Create a user name.
  6. Select Require password change at next login.
  7. Enter Test under Create Password and Confirm Pasword.
  8. Ignore level of access settings and click Continue.
  9. Ignore Remote Data Access setup and click Continue again.
  10. Click Save then click Close.
  11. Click File then click Log Off.
  12. Enter Test for the Logon name and Password then click OK.

If you still receive the invalid password, you need to check Microsoft .NET 3.5 is enabled. If you require support with this, contact your local IT support. If Microsoft .NET Frameworks is enabled, you need to reset the Sage password encryption.

v26 and below
  1. Open Sage 50 Accounts, in the Select Company window, click Demonstration data then click OK.
  2. Log on as Manager then click OK.
  3. Click Settings then click Access Rights.
  4. Click New then enter Test for the User name and Password.
  5. Click OK then click Close.
  6. Click File then click Log Off.
  7. Enter Test for the Logon name and Password then click OK.

If you still receive the invalid password, you need to check Microsoft .NET 3.5 is enabled. If you require support with this, contact your local IT support. If Microsoft .NET Frameworks is enabled, you need to reset the Sage password encryption.

Steps to duplicate
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