Set up your payrolls for Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC) calculations, if applicable

 Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC) calculations came into affect from 1 January 2019 and replaced the Pension Related Deduction (PRD).


Activate the ASC option within your payroll

  1. Click Company/Payroll then click Additional Superannuation Contribution.
  2. Select the Use Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC) feature check box.
  3. Click OK.

Mark payments as being subject to ASC

  1. Click Company/Payroll then click Payments.
  2. Click on a payment, then click Edit.
  3. Select the Apply Additional Superannuation Contribution check box, then click Save.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all payments that are subject to ASC calculation, then click Close.

Apply ASC settings to your employees

  1. Click Processing then click Employee Details.
  2. Next to the Surname box, click browse   and click the relevant employee.
  3. Click the Deductions tab.
  4. Under Public Sector - Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC), click the ASC Status arrow then click the relevant option.
  5. If the employee is in subsidiary employment and their main employment is elsewhere, select the Subsidiary check box.

    NOTE: If you select this check box, ASC calculates at the highest rate of the pension scheme the employee is a member of. The highest rate for a member of a standard or fast accrual pension scheme is 10.5%. For members of the single scheme, the highest rate is 7%.

  6. Click the Pension Scheme arrow, then click the relevant scheme the employee is a member of.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 for each employee you want to enter ASC settings for, then click Cancel.

You've now assigned ASC settings to your employee(s). In each subsequent pay period, when you process your employees' pay details, their ASC liability automatically calculates and appears on their payslip.

TIP: ASC calculates before tax is deducted from an employee's pay. There is also employer PRSI relief in respect of ASC. Employee PRSI and universal social charge (USC) are deducted from an employee's pay after ASC calculates so there is no relief on these.

[BCB:180:Andy Footer:ECB]
[BCB:22:IE - Sales message :ECB]
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