Purchase orders - Marking stock as delivered
There are multiple ways to record the delivery of stock from your suppliers against a purchase order.

Received noteThe Received note option provides a quick and easy way of recording the deliveries you make for your purchase orders. You can use this option to record deliveries against more than one purchase order at the same time. You would also this option to create a Goods Received Note (GRN).
Amend deliveriesYou can use the Amend deliveries option to record a part-delivery of goods against a purchase order.
Receive deliveriesYou can use this option when you want to record the delivery of goods against the selected purchase order. This option also prints a Goods Received Note (GRN) and updates the product record.

CAUTION:  A purchase order must be placed on order before you can mark it as delivered. 

If you incorrectly complete a purchase order you may need to delete or reverse it.

How to use the Received note option

  1. Click Purchase orders and select the required orders then click Received notes.

    TIP: For more information about the options in the Received Notes window -

  2. Enter the Date Received and if required, enter a Supplier GRN No.
  3. Select either the Supplier A/C Ref, the Project Reference, or a combination of both.
  4. In the Received column enter the required values for each item, or to receive all of the items into stock click Receive All.
  5. Click Save and if prompted to print a Received Note click Print Now or Print Later as required.

    NOTE: Click Print Now to print the received note. Click Print Later to print later, where you can print the note at any time from the Deliveries tab of the purchase order.

    Depending on the Received Note options this message may not appear.

  6. Click Close.

TIP: It's from within this option that you can create a Goods Received Note (GRN).

How to use the Amend deliveries option

  1. Click Purchase orders and select the required orders then click Amend deliveries.
  2. In the This Delivery column enter the delivered amounts.

    By default, the This Delivery column shows the full amounts still to be delivered.

  3. Click Deliver then click Yes and click Print Now or Print Later as required.
  4. If more than one order was selected, click Next and repeat from step 2.
  5. Click Close.

TIP: You can also use the Amend deliveries option to cancel a purchase order.

How to use the Receive deliveries option

  • Click Purchase orders and select the required purchase orders and click Receive deliveries

What happens next depends on what options are set in Settings > Invoice and Order Defaults > Options > GDN and GRN Options > Goods Received Notes.

Generate for all Deliveries (Default)The following message appears:

'Do you wish to update stock and record delivery for the selected orders?'
  • To record the receipt of the goods and print a GRN click Yes
  • If you don't want to record receipt of the goods or print a GRN click No
Prompt at each receivedThe following message appears: 

'Do you wish to update stock and record delivery for the selected order(s)?'
This message also displays a Generate Goods Received Note(s)? check box.
  • If you want to record receipt of the goods, but don't want to print a GRN click Yes
  • If you don't want to record receipt of the goods or print a GRN click No
  • If you want to record receipt of the goods, and also want to print a GRN, select the check box and click Yes
Do not generateThe following message appears: 

'Do you want to update stock and record delivery for the selected orders?'
  • If you want to record receipt of the goods click Yes
  • If you don't want to record receipt of the goods click No

For each purchase order selected, a Delivered status of COMPLETE is shown.

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