Assign a payment to an employee

Once you've set up the payments you need in your payroll, you can then assign them to your employees.

Use fixed payments for employees who receive the same payment amount each pay period, such as monthly salaries.

Use variable payments for employees who receive a different payment amount each period, or for any payments that change each period, such as commission.


Assign a hourly payment

  1. On the menu bar, click Processing then click Employee Details.
  2. Next to the Surname box, click browse and click the relevant employee.
  3. Click the Payments tab, then enter the following information:
    Std. Hrs.Enter the standard working hours per pay period. You should only enter this if the working hours are the same each pay period.
    Rate 1 – Rate 4Enter the employee's hourly rate.
  4. Click Save, then click Cancel.
  5. On the menu bar, click Processing then click Time and Pay.
  6. Under Entry mode, select Random then click Continue.
  7. Next to the Employee box, click browse and click the relevant employee.
  8. Locate the relevant hourly payment, then:
    • Enter the hours worked in the Hrs/Val box.
    • Check the employee's hourly rate is correct in the Rate box. Edit if required.
  9. Enter any other pay details you want to record, then click Save and Cancel.

Assign a fixed payment

  1. On the menu bar, click Processing then click Employee Details.
  2. Next to the Surname box, click browse and click the relevant employee.
  3. Click the Payments tab.
  4. Locate the relevant payment, then enter it's value in the Std. Amount column.
  5. Click Save then Cancel.
  6. On the menu bar, click Processing then click Time and Pay.
  7. Under Entry mode, select Random then click Continue.
  8. Next to the Employee box, click browse and click the relevant employee.
  9. Locate the fixed payment and check the value is correct in the Hrs/Val box.
    If it's not, delete the timesheet, then repeat steps 8 and 9.
  10. Enter any other pay details you want to record, then click Save and Cancel.

Assign a variable payment

  1. On the menu bar, click Processing then click Time and Pay.
  2. Under Entry mode, select Random then click Continue.
  3. Next to the Employee box, click browse and click the relevant employee.
  4. Locate the relevant payment, then enter it's value in the Hrs/Val column.
  5. Enter any other pay details you want to record, then click Save and Cancel.
[BCB:222:Ron Footer:ECB]
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