| Enter an employee's personal public service (PPS) number, address and date of birth |
Description | All personal public service (PPS) number numbers consist of seven digits followed by either one or two letters, for example 1234567A or 1234567AZ. If you've received a PPS number in a different format, please contact Welfare and ask them to clarify the employee's PPS number. If you don’t have a valid PPS number for an employee, you must enter their first name, surname, date of birth and home address in their employee record. |
Resolution | Enter an employee's PPS number, address and date of birth - On the menu bar, click Processing then click Employee Details.
- Next to the Surname box, click browse
and click the relevant employee. - Within the Personnel tab, enter the employee's PPS Number and Address in the boxes provided.
- If the employee lives in Ireland, select the relevant County they reside in from the drop-down list.
- Click the Tax / PRSI / USC tab, then enter the employee's Date of Birth.
- Click Save, then click Cancel.