Projects - Allocating, amending and issuing stock

The Projects module is available in Sage 50 Professional.

When working with projects, to help you manage your stock you can allocate and issue stock to your projects. When you allocate stock to a project it shows the costs incurred against that project.

If you use purchase orders and allocate your stock items to a project, when the purchase order is delivered, the stock automatically allocates to the project. Alternatively, if you don't use purchase orders, you can allocate and issue the stock manually. This guide explains how to allocate and issue stock to projects.

Allocate stock to a project

  1. On the navigation bar click Products and services, click Allocations then click Allocate stock.
  2. Enter the following information:
Product Code Date Ref. Project Ref Cost Code Qty to Allocate
The product you want to allocate to the project. The date of the allocation. A reference for the allocation. The project reference you want to allocate the product to. The cost code you want the product to affect. The quantity of products you want to allocate to the project.

3. Click Save then click Close.

View or amend stock allocations

  1. On the navigation bar click Products and services, click Allocations then click Amend allocations.
  2. Enter the product code and/or the project reference for the product or project you want to view.
  3. If required, amend the value in the Quantity Allocated column.
  4. Click Save then click Close.

Issue allocated stock

  1. On the navigation bar click Products and services, click Allocations then click Issue allocations.
  2. Enter the Product Code and/or the Project Reference for the product or project you want to issue.
  3. In the Quantity to Issue column enter the relevant quantity, click Save then click Close.

This adjusts the quantity in stock on the product record and converts the committed cost to an actual cost on the project record.


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