| Description | Normally you pay an employee using a single pay method, such as bank transfer or cash. However, some employees may want their pay split between two or more pay methods, or across multiple bank accounts. You can use the Split Pay option in Sage Payroll to do this. Let's take a look. |
Resolution | Enable the Split Pay option - On the menu bar, click Company/Payroll then click Company Details.
- Click the Misc tab.
- Under Pay Methods, select the Split Pay check box, then click OK.
- Repeat the steps above in each of your payrolls.
Enter Split Pay settings for an employee - On the menu bar, click Processing then click Employee Details.
- Next to the Surname box, click browse
and click the relevant employee. - Click the Pay / YTD tab.
- Under Pay/Misc, click the Pay Method arrow then click Split.
- Click the Split tab.
You can set up to three different split pay methods for an employee. - For each split pay method you want to use, complete the following information:
- If required, you can set upto three different split pay methods for an employee:
Holidayable | To specify how you want to handle split pay for holidays, choose the relevant option. | Method | Choose the split payment method you want to use. If you choose Bank Transfer, you must also enter the relevant bank details. For example, the employee's IBAN and BIC. | Title | Enter a name for this split payment method. This can be up to nine characters in length.
The title appears on the employee's payslip to show a breakdown of their total net pay across the different payment methods. | Formula | Enter a formula or value to specify how much money you want to allocate to this split payment method.
If you enter a formula or value in the first split pay column only, the balance of the employee's total net pay is paid using the second split pay column.
Common split pay formulae > - NETP*0.50 - This formula multiplies the employee's net pay by 0.50 = Half of the employee's net pay
- NETP/2 - This formula divides the employee's total net pay by 2 = Half of the employee's total net pay
- NETP*0.25 - This formula multiplies the employee's total net pay by 0.25 = Quarter of the employee's total net pay
- NETP/4 - This formula divides the employee's total net pay by 4 = Quarter of the employee's total net pay
| A/C name | If relevant, enter the employee's bank account name. | IBAN | If relevant, enter the employee's international bank account number. This applies to SEPA e-banking payments only. | BIC | If relevant, enter the employee's bank identifier code. This applies to SEPA e-banking payments only. | Sort code | If relevant, enter the employee's bank sort code. This applies to Paypath e-banking payments only. | A/C code | If relevant, enter the employee's bank account number. This applies to Paypath e-banking payments only. | Cr Union A/c | If relevant, enter the employee's credit union account number. SEPA bank files don't include credit union accounts numbers. The SEPA standard doesn't have the facility to include credit union account numbers as part of the bank transfer file. | - Click Save then click Cancel.