Employee profiles

Employee profiles are a great way of keeping a set of employees together.

 EXAMPLE: To limit the number of payments that your part-time employees can receive, or assign a pension deduction to a limited number of employees. 

Once you assign a profile to a particular employee, only the payments and deductions that belong to this profile appear on their timesheet. Let's take a look.

TIP: Need to add more employees to your license to set up new records? - Leave your details and we'll be in touch.


Set up an employee profile

  1. On the menu bar, click Company/Payroll then click Employee Profile Details.
  2. In the Code box, enter a value to identify the profile, up to a maximum of four characters in length.
  3. Click Find. If the profile code:
    Employee already exists in your software; The profile's details appear automatically. You can amend these details if necessary
    Employee doesn't exist in your software; You can store the new employee profile now by clicking OK
  4. Complete the following information:
    Description Enter a name for the profile, up to a maximum of 19 characters in length.
    Std. Hours If relevant, enter the number of hours in the standard working week for employees associated with this profile.
    Elements Selected For each payment you want to include in this profile, select the relevant check box.
    Deductions Selected For each deduction you want to include in this profile, select the relevant check box.
  5. Click Save, then click Cancel.

Assign a profile to an employee

  1. On the menu bar, click Processing then click Employee Details.
  2. Next to the Surname box, click browse  and click the relevant employee.
  3. Click the Payments tab.
  4. Next to the Profile box, click browse  and click the relevant profile.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for each employee you want to assign a profile to, then click Cancel.
[BCB:258:UKI - Personal content block - Paul:ECB]
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