Check your invoice or sales order profitability

To analyse the profitability

  1. Create or edit your invoice, sales order or quotation then click Profit analysis.
    For each item on the invoice, order or quotation, you can see the product code and description plus the following information:

    NOTE: S1, S2 and M codes are not included.

    Sales Price

    The net value for the item, taking into account any discount.

    Cost Price

    Calculation: Product record ccurrent Last Cost Price (Discounted) x item line quantity.

    If the Last Cost Price (Discounted) value in the Product Record is 0.00 it uses the Last Cost Price (Standard) value.

    Profit Value

    Calculation: Sales Price - Cost Price

    NOTE: If the product record Last Cost Price box is updated after the invoice or order is created, the profit values are based on the latest Last Cost Price.

    Profit %

    Calculation: (Profit Value / Sales Price) x 100

  2. If required, to print the profit information click Print.

  3. To return to your invoice, sales order or quotation click Close.

Methods of updating the Last Cost Price

If the cost price is incorrect on your product records, you can correct this in the following ways:


Open the product record, then edit the Last Cost Price (Standard) and Last Cost Price (Discounted) values as required.


If you have multiple records to amend, you can import product cost prices using the Import option. The fifth field in the CSV file structure is the cost price.

Adjustment in

To also correct the cost price on your product transactions, you can use stock adjustments to adjust all stock out then back in with the correct cost price.

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