DUNS number

The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) was developed by Dun & Bradstreet and is a system used to identify individual businesses with one 9 digit DUNS number.

DUNS numbers are used in Sage 50 Accounts 2008 and above Transactional e-Mail to ensure compatibility with Zanzibar, the UK Government e-purchasing portal.


To enter your DUNS number

  1. Open Settings, click Company Preferences and then enter your password.
  2. Enter your DUNS Number on the Details tab and then click OK.

Every e-order and e-invoice that passes through Zanzibar must include a DUNS number.

Record your customers DUNS number

  1. Click Customers, then click the customer account you'd like to change, then click Edit.
  2. Select the Credit Control tab on the Customer Record.
  3. Enter your customers DUNS number in the relevant field and click Save.

Further information about DUNS numbers and how to obtain them is available from Dun and Bradstreet

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