The Customer and Supplier record Graph tab

The Graphs tab shows monthly invoices, credits and balances figures for the current year and future dates.

TIP: The Invoices and Credits figures are the gross value of invoices and credits for the period. The Balances figure is the gross value of invoices less the gross value of credits for the period.

If required, you can customise the graph, for example to change the colours or the type of graph or to display just Invoices and Credits.


To select the information that appears in the graph

  1. Click Customers or Suppliers and select the required account, then click New/edit, then click Graph and click Options.
  2. Complete the Graph Select window as follows then click OK.
    • Invoices - To include the Invoices figures on the graph, select this check box
    • Credits - To include the Credits figures on the graph, select this check box
    • Balances - To include the Balances figures on the graph, select this check box

You've successfully selected the information that appears in the graph.

The options available in the Graphs tab

The following table explains each of the options available in the Graphs tab:

Option What it does


To export the chart to file, click this button, browse to the required folder, enter the required file name, select the required file type, then click Save.

To copy the chart to your clipboard as a bitmap image, click this button.

To print the chart, click this button.

To select a different chart format, select either Bar or Line.

To show/hide the Data labels, select/clear this option.
[BCB:119:Limitless - 50 Accounts - Customers:ECB]
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